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February 20th, 7:10 am

Join Paula’s manager, Bonnie Burns aka Captain Crinkle, Paula Poundstone, Adam Felber, and former pod producer Toni Anita Hull for Captain Crinkle’s sage advice. This week’s problems: A daughter tired of being her mom’s therapist, and grandkids being used as pawns. Updates! and a composting tip. Listen wherever you get your pods!

Become part of the show. We love to give advice. Email your questions and interesting information to
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Join Paula’s manager, Bonnie Burns aka Captain Crinkle, Paula Poundstone, Adam Felber, and former pod producer Toni Anita Hull for Captain Crinkle’s sage advice. This week’s problems: A daughter tired of being her mom’s therapist, and grandkids being used as pawns.  Updates! and a composting tip. Listen wherever you get your pods! 
Become part of the show.  We love to give advice. Email your questions and interesting information to

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Bonnie, what's it like working for a pedophile?

February 18th, 6:28 am

Should we really be scared of Elon Musk and the new cabal of billionaire tech bros? HELL yes! And Kara Swisher is here to help us understand why. Plus, we’ll plumb the mysteries of our mailbag with, well, “Mailbag: Mystery Edition!” Listen wherever you get your pods! ... See MoreSee Less

Should we really be scared of Elon Musk and the new cabal of billionaire tech bros? HELL yes! And Kara Swisher is here to help us understand why. Plus, we’ll plumb the mysteries of our mailbag with, well, “Mailbag: Mystery Edition!” Listen wherever you get your pods!

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Burn Book is a really good read and particularly relevant given the havoc that Musk is causing.

Went to 50/51 in Olympia Monday. Great turnout.

Her interview with Ezra Klein, a avail, on YouTube, lays bare how ridiculous and dangerous the Tech Bros are.

For the record, I enjoy everything about NLTPP! Gimme more Land Ho, Password, 2 truths and a lie (2 lies and a truth?), the glock…all of it! I look forward to this every week!

Can’t wait to finish working the polls today so I can listen

Love Kara Swisher! Thank you for having her on!

 divide and then conquer

I’m sure the fact that the Washington Post backed out of this ad buy and won’t say why they won’t run it is in no way a troubling sign of Elon Musk’s growing broligarchical power. Anyway, it would be a shame if the move to kill the ad wound up causing it to be seen by even more people. A real shame.

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February 17th, 11:16 pm

I highly recommend Molly White's CITATION NEEDED newsletter and Heather Cox Richardson's LETTER FROM AN AMERICAN. Both can be read or listened to. They're both GREAT! ... See MoreSee Less

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Thank you. We are all searching for news sources we can trust and that wouldn't be Hijacked by the Fascist Felon.

Heather Cox Richardson is wonderful to watch and listen to in these unprecedented times… If people want an accurate fair assessment of what’s happening she is a great resource .

Rebecca Solnit has a newsletter called Meditations in an Emergency.

Plus Rachel Maddow, Amicus with Dahlia, and Sisters in Law with Joyce and 3 more. All available as podcasts.

Heather also does a FB live on most Tuesdays around 4.

Also Joyce Vance has an email almost daily letter which is excellent. Called Civil Discourse. There are a group of federal employees that have an accurate and truthful FB page. “Alt National Park Service.”

Civil Discourse by Joyce Vance also on my daily roster.

Love Heather Cox Richardson and you must also follow Fear and Loathing:Closer to the Edge, they are fantastic, Paula. Xo

Agreed! Already subscribed to Heather Cox Richardson and thankful to learn from you about Molly White.

Both are invaluable. I also read Alt National Park Service for an insiders view.

Saw you at the narrows in fall river ma. Great show!

Where do I find Molly White citation needed please?

Thank you for standing with American Patriots against wealth hoarding bullies ❤️🤍💙

I follow Heather Cox Richardson! Love her same approach.

Hateful Paula used to be funny!

Been following heather for a while, I’ll check out Molly, thanks!!

Heather Cox Richardson has been one of my favorites for a long time.


Jay Kuo is also an excellent source - both Facebook and Substack.

Heather is amazing

While you can get Heather Cox Richardson free on FB, if you can sign up for the newsletter $50 to support her...

Thanks Paula


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February 17th, 10:45 am

It’s a stressful time. Don’t suffer alone. Suffer with my podcast. NOBODY LISTENS TO PAULA POUNDSTONE. ... See MoreSee Less

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You’ve always been a salve for the soul, Paula. 🙏🏾 ♥️

You have gotten me through a lot of difficult times. I listen every night for 15 minutes so obviously the longer the show the better! You end my day with a smile or a giggle…the best medicine! AND NOW…CAPTAIN CRINKLE.. the best advice I’ll never take…love it!

Been suffering with you from the first episode 😉 thanks for making life a bit more bearable.

I definitely feel better after listening!

Paula, thank you for helping me keep my sanity. It hasn't even been a month yet! What a shit show. So unbelievably scary.

Been scrolling and scrolling unable to stop because, dammit, the answer must be here somewhere. Then, two hours later, more despairing of myself, and I saw your podcast post. Saved! Saved by the podcast.

You should enter the NLTPP show description challenge! (...though you may be biased)

You are the best!

Always a highlight of my week, I never miss it 🥰

You and the gang in the pod are making this horrible nightmare manageable. THANK YOU!

Paula has been touring for 30 yrs, why isn't she bigger?? Oh yea that felony pedophilia conviction

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February 15th, 4:18 pm

I’m about to tell ‘em in Sarasota, Florida. ... See MoreSee Less

I’m about to tell ‘em in Sarasota, Florida.

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We saw Paula in Sarasota last night. I first saw her back in the early 2000’s in a small venue in Lenox MA. I was a struggling divorcee with two young daughters. Paula helped me to laugh some that night. She did the same last night. It felt as if she was holding back. She spoke loud and clear, but clearly was aware. Thank you Paula for your insights, perspectives and puppetry. Be well.

Great show. Loved getting to say hello afterwards.

And though we usually see you in Portsmouth NH at The Music Hall, we're here in Sarasota tonight. Can't wait.

I mean...I just can't be on board with an armless chair unless it's with at least some of its family surrounding a table. It's just not fulfilling enough sitting there like that? Sorry.

Certainly not the worst chair you’ve beet offered, but birthday the best.

Good luck honey. There are a few of us who never boarded the crazy train

That's my favorite one yet. Love the color 💜

I was there! You were great! Thank you 😊

Can't wait!! So excited!!

Thanks for the great show Paula!

Great evening!

Fun show. Thank you!

That chair wants to be a throne when it grows up. 🙂

Take that chair with ya

Nice color!

That's great you got to see Phyllis Prager and Larry. I'm moving to Florida in May so now I will have more opportunities to see you!

Pretty chair!

Good luck. We’re all behind you!!!


You TELL ‘EM Paula!

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February 14th, 5:17 pm

I’m about to tell ‘em in Clearwater, Florida. ... See MoreSee Less

I’m about to tell ‘em in Clearwater, Florida.

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Great show tonight! We had a blast! 💗

Oh, I know this chair - we have one very similar. You can get lost in it. (Hard to get up from, though.)

I like. With all your improvements, you should be able to get up out of that chair.

Hey, I think I've seen that chair before. Have you gathered these chair pix into a FB picture album?

That's my kind of chair. ☺️

Darn. Didn’t know you were here.

"Fit for a Comedian"

Now that is a chair long as it's not humid and you are not in short shorts

That’s a green room chair made of pleather.

Oh Heck No!! No legs even or too short to see? No way... I need to talk to them too. Ouch! Cover it up pronto.

We saw you there!! Great show! Sorry about the hecklers in the back….we were so ready for more of that subject. They don’t represent us for sure!! 🩵


Comfy comedy in Clearwater!


Tell em!!!!

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February 13th, 6:04 pm

I feel like I'm walking on black ice everywhere I go nowadays, except those two hours with an audience laughing. ... See MoreSee Less

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I totally understand this. The uncertainty of what's coming next is so stressful. We're looking forward to seeing you in Pittsburg on March 15th. You give me something to look forward to! Keep being a light for us .

You are a wonderful relief to me, and many. Remember this. Also sneakers are helpful if you gotta walk on the black ice. Driving...go with the spin, enjoy the ride

Keep on keeping on, and remember to walk like a penguin! You are a treasure.

Thanks for those two hours you spent with us in Port Angeles. We really needed it. My face hurt from smiling. I need the kinda pain in my life these days

And yes penguin walking helps

Just knowing that we are in this together brings me comfort and your humor keeps me human, laughing and a bit hopeful❤️

Keep the faith, Paula. I will see you in a few weeks in Bflo. I will let Babeville know to make sure their lot & sidewalks are dutifully salted 4 your safety.

Thank you for keeping us laughing. I’m tired of crying.

Will the insanity please stop. I am so thankful for you Paula. You are the calm in my storm

Thank you Paula! Your voice is very powerful and reaches many people. Please keep it up!

I'm so pissed off. I have to get off that train and do something for my daughter's, my trans and other nieces and nephew and loved ones. I'm tired.

this is it exactly - it’s a waking nightmare except for small slices of usefulness

Can’t wait to see you tonight in Tampa! Your posts, podcast and comical spin on this awful time we’re going through gets me through the days. Try living in Florida. Lol

I feel like that too except when I'm listening to you. Thank you Paula, Bonnie, Tony and Adam

No leg breaking unless you're on the stage; and in that case I guess its good luck to say "Break a leg, PAULA POUNDSTONE !" 🤔 although, I don't know exactly why. You could arrange a pair of salt nymphs to sprinkle sand & safety before you ? -or- get a pair of crampons for your snow galoshes??

I tried walking on black ice and broke my ankle 😢

Every now and then you get really articulate, Paula....

We deeply appreciate those two hours

Just remember when you get to St. Paul and Menomonie, both the reality and the metaphor are likely true.

I sure enjoyed your show Saturday evening at the Alex in Glendale. Signed the guy in the front row that came alone.

You are keeping so many of us sane, we have to find time to laugh. And support each other.

This is a special time when we need you the most. No pressure...❤️

I've put my "hopeful" outfit away for the next four years.

Paula, we love you and thank you. ❤️

love you, paula, who doesn't know me. thanks for being there

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February 13th, 9:02 am

Lara Trump has a Residency at The Kennedy Center. ... See MoreSee Less

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I await the full length version of Springtime for Hitler, being that Drumpf is so daft he won’t understand sarcasm…

They’ve turned The Kennedy Center into a joke. Very sad.

Everything they touch turns sleezy.

I will never watch the Kennedy Center Honors again. 😡

I absolutely cannot discern if this is true or a joke . What a state we are in.

i suggest that everybody leave …form another center and name it the human center of arts and music

Missed out on being a senator, so this is her consolation prize.

How long before he changes the name?

This pushed me over the edge. The Kennedy Center is a priority in the first three weeks of his term?

The world turned up side down!

So, Kid Rock and The Village People have a new venue now?

Please don’t allow her to sing…

What a dismal and offensive fate for this beautiful and historic arts center. MAGA destroys everything that it touches.

Ben Folds resigned from his position there this week in response to the nonsense.

Lots of Lee Greenwood shows in the future.

Where’s the 🤢 reaction?

When's the first Kennedy Center Wrestling slapdown?

Bring on kid rock and Ted nuggent! Definitely a lot of class there! Lmfao 😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Does the sound system at The Kennedy Center come with autotune?

One thing he's not blaming on Biden....imagine that!

The Kennedy family with noted exception of RFK jr has long excoriated fotus. This is his petty retribution- his sticking it in the eye of those “elites” who have always denied him inclusion. The RFK deal did double duty as well- it consolidated any possibility of vote loss by those who might have voted for RFK, small as it may have been, as well as also appropriating the Kennedy name and legacy as part of his own admin. And poking the rest of the Kennedy family in the eye as well. It may well come to a time when the name is replaced altogether. But not until it is well and thoroughly tarnished.

But of course she does

I wish this were a joke

Does she have deep pockets to carry tunes in? Because she will need them. If she sings, dogs will howl…

I wonder how long before it closes its doors for the foreseeable future? Not long, I think.

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February 12th, 5:21 pm

I was at the dry cleaner on Saturday, and while I waited a minute or 2 I saw a magazine in the back that was called "Cleaner and Launderer Magazine." I wonder how often it comes out. ... See MoreSee Less

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Depends on the stain. Some never come out.

I came here to cycle through the puns.

Wonder if it has dirty pictures.

Bahahahahaha! I need all of your humor, PAULA POUNDSTONE, especially in this horrifying reality.

For everything that exists on earth, there’s a trade publication and a convention in Vegas.

Does it come in a plastic bag? 😂

It’s two sections but one was lost

They're hard to spot

The laundering part is popular on Wall Street.

They always say it'll be out on Friday, but it never is.

Comes out once a decade

It's a weekly. The gossip section is a page turner.

That is a fantastic pun. Before I laughed I sort of marveled at it for a second. Really.

I always wondered what magazines were in the "clean" section. 😆😆

Filled with fluff pieces.

Last Saturday? And you're just telling us now?!

I bet they have little inserted advertisements that readers can sniff to see if they like the odor of the new, improved chemicals.

It puts a new spin on things.

Is it Martinized?

Does it have a fluff and centerfold? Pretty much every kind of business has its own publication. I wonder what the one for funeral directors is like.

I can't tell you because it's an ancient Chinese secret!

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February 11th, 6:54 am

Getting KKK members to change their minds about race is kind of challenging, and potentially scary. Now imagine doing that as a black man. Well, Daryl Davis doesn’t have to imagine it, he's been doing it for decades! And then, once we’ve talked about the big lies, lets have some little ones - its Two Truths and a Lie! Listen wherever you get your pods. ... See MoreSee Less

Getting KKK members to change their minds about race is kind of challenging, and potentially scary. Now imagine doing that as a black man. Well, Daryl Davis doesn’t have to imagine it, hes been doing it for decades! And then, once we’ve talked about the big lies, lets have some little ones - its Two Truths and a Lie! Listen wherever you get your pods.

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Is he the same guy featured on NPR two or three years back? Fascinating story.

Daryl Davis is a great man, and a great musician to boot!

It's great that he extends the olive branch. Misunderstanding has a lot to do with the paranoia and hatred out there. "Bad people" are made, not born. We should never abide bad behavior, but everyone is the hero of their story. Everyone feels justified in what they believe. And what people believe is generally rooted in emotions and only sublimates into logic and reasoning.

Fascinating guest, really interesting!

He plays it naïve - doesn't really talk about cheap labor and slavery - but he is a skilled and determined peace maker, and his success is awesome. That first meeting in the hotel, with the ice bucket...thrilling!!

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February 10th, 4:20 pm

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February 8th, 4:50 pm

Just before I told ‘em on Vashon Island, Washington. ... See MoreSee Less

Just before I told ‘em on Vashon Island, Washington.

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It looks like an electric chair. Not so inviting.

It was such a great show. Paula always delivers. So glad I was able to go. Thanks for helping me keep my sanity

Um kinda looks like an electrocution chair 🫣

Now that is a chair worthy of Paula Poundstone!

Oh Yes! For some reason, in is unique, bold, not necessarily pleasing to the eye...but it stands up with its own voice. Got to give it to this one, even if it would not sit in my home.

That chair is soooooo Vashon Island!

Maybe they'll auction it off, saying that "Paula Poundstone once sat in this chair."

Looking forward to you telling us in Glendale in a little while

And we were listening!! Great show! (Also, I wanted to yell this out but didn’t — Tippi Hedren also owned lions, so that would tie in her to the birds to the cat thing.)

Welcome back to the PNW! I loved your performance many years ago at the Moore theater in Seattle. We had a huge wind storm that evening and it made the theater creak a little with sounds of wind rubbing against the building all night. Sorry I missed this performance.

Probably the most unusual chair I’ve seen you post. Was it comfortable?

Be careful, I think that plugs in.

Kind of a scary chair!

Love this throne for you, PP!

That’s one interesting chair…at first glance at the back of it I thought “lawn chair…” But overall it makes me think of a phrase from a movie I once saw, which was “boxy but good.” I don’t remember the name of the movie. I hope you can do another show in Charlotte, NC at some point. North Carolina is known for its furniture manufacturing. 😂

Really enjoyed the show!

Now that's a nice chair!

Great chair!

Where did you perform on Vashon?!! The Hardware Store (which is a restaurant for those who don’t know)?

what a fabulous CHAIR!!

Vashon is a taste of Heaven...need to vacation there in August.

That is interesting chair, I feel like it has a story.

Very styling chair compared to many Paula graces.

Begin Shoulder Rumble Strip.

Your agent REALLY needs to ask for more comfortable chairs for you!! It can lead to human happiness 😉😉

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February 8th, 4:46 pm

Please boo Trump at the Super Bowl. It’s important that his victims in the GOP Congress see how short his coat tails are. ... See MoreSee Less

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And do NOT watch his interview! Turn on anything else...National Geographic, Food TV, PBS...

What would truly be awesome, is if nobody went, the players took a knee and nothing happened at all. But that would never happen in ‘Merica where sports matter more than basic human rights.

Thanks for helping me keep my sanity Paula.

I’m not watching because he’s there. Can’t stand to see his face. Full stop.

Pleeease do this🙏🙌🏻And kneel during the anthem pllleeeease.

What if every toilet flushed when he was introduced? Would it create a vortex and let him descend into hell?

Wish I was there with a megaphone

They will all cheer for him! The people love him. He’s draining the swamp!!!!!!

Not watching it

I will be booing from my recliner. If we all did that - what a joyous sound we would make!! Let’s sync our phones!!

I plan to! I will be at home, but I am gonna boo my heart out!!

I am boycotting the Super Bowl, and spouse isn’t watching for the commercials because the Orange Idiot will be there and we do everything we can to avoid seeing or hearing him.

My husband refuses to watch the Super Bowl.

AGREED!! Was thinking the same. And worse.

I'm boooing right now and every time I see him

I will watch the game just to see it. Anyone taking bets on it happening? What's the over/under.

I'll boo from home!

In all fairness, it probably wouldn't have mattered who was president. There would have been boos regardless. Some people wouldn't recognize Jesus Christ if he appeared and would boo him.

They should do a cheer and not boo. Suggestions: a. "We want Biden!" b. "We want Brandon!" c. "We want Kamala!" d. "We want President Musk!"

Boo him? Boycotting the show. Sorry, not a fan.

Hopefully the camera people won't show him, and show Taylor more to piss him off.

People shouldn’t watch it at all. Not in Stadium, not on tv, not streaming….

Make him cry.

I would CHEER for him, like everyone else will!!

We can only hope!

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February 6th, 5:21 pm

Here's a good response when someone asks you how you are, "Well, Nazis get on my nerves." ... See MoreSee Less

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I guess that's better than "Upright and not crying. "

Perfect. I recently cancelled out of an event claiming my nerves were stretched so thin I shouldn't be allowed to drive or be around humans.

That's great Paula - thanks for keeping our spirits up. We could all use a laugh to get through this bs. If it's okay, I might use that next time I'm asked.

Thank you! I have been struggling with how to respond when people have asked me how I am over the past few weeks.

I may have to adopt this as my standard reply. Thank you for the inspiration, PAULA POUNDSTONE! 👍❤️🥳

Will add to the rotation lol

I open my mouth wide, make jazz hands and scream “fine, how are you” twice.

Only the very sick would not be disgusted by the discoveries of DOGE and instead be rallying against the man who is exposing it all. The curtin is up kids, prayers for you all.

I tend to “homicidal, and you?”

I can say it but if someone laughs when I do I'm not sure I can remain my peaceful self.

Oh my God! Paula for the win!

They are soooo annoying


I love this!!



I’ll say that from now on!

I’m so doing this.

Love you!!!

Astonishing that the Magats have made being a Nazi cool. It’s a shame we can’t deport all of them to Auschwitz. I’ve been and it’s tragic. But I guess you’d need empathy, intelligence and morals to be affected by it.

Yes to put it mildly

How about, "Well, I'm rooting for KFC and cholesterol caused blood clots, and you?"


“Nazis” on our campuses and in our streets have been getting on my nerves since the Oct 7 Massacre. Funny how now the non-Jews are just now speaking up. Not.

100000000% 🤣

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