Brain Sediment

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July 26th, 10:19 pm

If elected I will not serve. ... See MoreSee Less

If elected I will not serve.

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Paula would win every debate because not only would she make everyone laugh, she'd never stop talking and they'd give up and go home. 🙂

*enunciate may be even better.


Sensing a Pat Paulsen vibe for some reason 😉

Is Murray Garwood a name you often use for room reservations while on tour, PAULA? 😉 Works for me! #PoundstoneAndCatsForVP2024

That's too bad because I'd vote for you!


ENUNCIATE. "Many people mix up annunciate and enunciate, but they have different meanings. Annunciate means to announce something formally or officially. It's about making a public statement. On the other hand, enunciate refers to the way you pronounce words clearly and distinctly."

Mark Kelly

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July 25th, 4:55 pm

Lewis, the kitten, doesn’t know manners, yet. ... See MoreSee Less

Lewis, the kitten, doesn’t know manners, yet.

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Lewis is a foodie in the most meaningful way!

The expressions of the older denizens of the home are always fantastic in situations like these. One of my all time favorite personal pet photos is of a similar situation- established dog watching puppy with affront. Never gets old.

My son's kitten may need some etiquette lessons as well...

The other cats face is priceless!

Stepping in his plate! Good kitty!

Give me the right bowl of food and I may do this myself…

very similar to my special needs daughter and husband. So who is to judge manners

Lewis the Kitten has big plans!

The bowl is too deep for her to eat any other way!

But the bowl is bigger than he is! He's doing his best <3

I think Lewis needs extracatricular activities:

He’s lucky he’s so cute😄

Looks like me at the all you can eat pizza buffet...

MOM! Make it behave!!

And someone isn’t impressed

He has more manners than Vance

Is that Lewis Black?

Aww my son recently found a little black kitten on a hiway!

Oh the Youth of Today

To cute.

I iz so wittle, I needz to get in da dish to reach!

So darling.

From one Lewis to another, you'll get there buddy

Perhaps he needs a smaller bowl.

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July 24th, 4:24 pm

Forget about hot dogs and hot dog buns, why do pencils have so much lead and so little eraser? That's optomistic. ... See MoreSee Less

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It only takes a little eraser to erase a lot of lead. Sorry, I know that’s not funny but true. Ok, let’s try this. Lead is slow and erasers are really fast. Let’s try this to be funny. Lead in a pencil is long and skinny. Erasers are fat and short. The lesson is…. Wait for it…. I’m thinking. Oh dang, never mind

Big novelty erasure has a huge lobby.

Why do the erasures only smear the pencil markings around?

Exactly!!!! I wonder the same thing.

Now I'm thinking about goddam hot dogs

Did someone say Erasure? I'm rubbing the page Everyday it's getting lighter This time I won't end up another victim of lead.

It’s not optimism. It’s a plot by “Big Eraser”!

And the eraser is useless.

What is a pencil?

Don't eat the lead Paula!

I get it 😁

Only you!

☝️😉 indeed.


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July 23rd, 8:00 am

Want the breakdown on our judicial breakdown? None other than Prosecutor/Analyst/Broadcaster Andrew Weissmann is here to break it - and us - down! Plus, let’s air out those grievances in the traditional manner - it’s Mailbag! Family Dinner Edition. Listen wherever you get your pods! ... See MoreSee Less

Want the breakdown on our judicial breakdown? None other than Prosecutor/Analyst/Broadcaster Andrew Weissmann is here to break it - and us - down! Plus, let’s air out those grievances in the traditional manner - it’s Mailbag! Family Dinner Edition. Listen wherever you get your pods!

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Weissmann is the best!

Whoa! I'm so excited to listen!

Two of my favorite humans👍


The lowdown on the breakdown?

Ahh! Andrew is my fave. Shall listen!

Make these Trucks. Get project 2025 known everywhere 3 different Topics

Make these Trucks. Get project 2025 known everywhere 3 different Topics

Make these Trucks. Get project 2025 known everywhere 3 different Topics


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#childlesscatladies #voterizer #voteblue

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Because I don't have kids, I have more money to contribute to women running for office. And, my cats eat very well, thankyouverymuch.

Not cat breakers...

Wow. JD, so I have no direct stake in America either? How about those women who want children but can't conceive? Or women who have a baby but give it up for adoption? Do they have stake? Is the mere act of giving birth the criteria for having stake? I guess that eliminates all men! Ha! Perfect!

I am proud to be a cat lady, and I am not miserable in anyway. Most research shows that women who don't marry and have children are much happier than those that do. I have a long time partner and would marry him if he wanted to do so. I like my cat just fine.

Childless Cat Lady here!! Not miserable!

Gross gross gross gross gross. What about the couples who are not able to naturally conceive? And anyone who doesn’t want a child should not have one. No reason to add more traumatized people into this world.

I’d rather have a vice president who doesn’t say stupid stuff like this.

I believe the word you're looking for is 'choice'.

JD Wentworth! Miserable sad little man.

He is sick.

Her goes the stupid and mean comments because they ( especially him ) can’t debate the real issues. Bunch of bullies and cry babies ……

Gosh, imagine what he’d say if she had 5 children by 3 different fathers and was a felon.

Married 44 yrs with no kids. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

I bought the ebook, but I never read it. Now I wish I had a more flammable version.

Love it! Keep it coming Paula💙

He makes me feel like a miserable cat man.

If he hadn’t used that latex glove, Ohio would be overrun with sofas! What a douche!

Also worth nothing that he has floated the idea that people with children should have a larger say in elections than those with no kids.

I thought being an American gave us a stake in America, JD. Silly me for thinking that.

He’s a mess!

Ummm, JD, speaking as a “childless cat lady”, I vote. I’m also a retired Critical Care RN, by way of saying college educated and worked for a living. I’m *also going to bring you a few feral cats so they can scratch your eyes out! 😂🤣🥂😂

I adore you, Paula! As I say, I’m grabbing my ballot with my 🐱.

JD can salute (because no way he can kiss it) my childless ass.

She has kids - she’s a step-mother. JD is an idiot. I don’t have kids, but I vote to protect this country for myself and ALL the kids from idiots like him.

This just energized a large group of women who might not have voted in November.

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July 22nd, 4:18 pm

I’m at the car wash, so I’m looking in the soda machine carefully. ... See MoreSee Less

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Any guys nearby packing heat?

Watch out for the lube rack, too!

There ain't no tellin' who you might meet A movie star or maybe even an Indian chief


AI has been infected your post

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Vote blue! I love your dog.

They're so silly.

They probably had a table set up in the lobby selling them. SMH!

NOT EAR BANDAGES! They are Official DJT Ear Pillows sold by the MY PILLOW guy.

And from the people who called masks for public health "face diapers." Yup...

#itsacult. #Project2025

Hilarious 😂

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July 20th, 8:34 pm

I’m about to tell ‘em in Mount Vernon, Washington. ... See MoreSee Less

I’m about to tell ‘em in Mount Vernon, Washington.

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perfect chair... i mean, today in history we reached for the stars ... and today, you sat on stars.... and you are a star! hey, see how that works! well, clearly.... I am not the professional comedian here. hope it was a brilliant evening.

That’s a gorgeous chair that needs a good stream cleaning.

You were great! You need to come back in the spring for the tulips and the rabbits! 😉

Hope you have a great show Paula! I've missed you again....😑

It was a great show! Thank you Paula

You were fabulous, Paula! Come back! For the Tulip Festival!

Mt. Vernon is a great little town, and that chair proves it!

You tell ‘em Paula ! You tell’em real good !

Once upon a time this chair had an idea. Bet it was tasteful back then. Stained now sadly. Too many sat in it with ill thoughts?

Great show!

I'm so fucking embarrassed. And I dont even work there anymore. I hope those assholes treated you right.

Again? You were great last time!

That’s not a very comfy chair.

I think it's the best chair yet.

Happy you are in my hood

This screams El Cheapo

Welcome back to Washington State Paula!

If you can, get some Rainier cherries while you are here! 😋🍒

Please come back to Spokane, WA!!

Darn, only 50 miles away! I must ok pay more attentionl

I thought your rider specifically said that the chair must be aqua blue, not navy.

Please, do tell ‘em! ❤️💙❤️

Did it come with a wizard's hat and a magic wand?

A chair fit for a star!

I like stars. But, I like more cushioning.

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July 19th, 1:46 pm

There were lots of Trump speech items that sounded a lot like, "It will disappear by Easter like a miracle." He kept saying he would fix things, and it would solve the problem fast. There are few problems in this big difficult world that can be solved fast. HE LIES. ... See MoreSee Less

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He had 4 years to fix things and all he did was make more chaos.

He rambled on for 92 minutes, spewing all sorts of nonsense. Fact checkers were being carried out on stretchers.

He didn't fix anything on his first ride what makes anyone think it'll be any different this time? Except it will be much worse.

It's unbelievable how bad he is

If he was so great the last time, why didn’t they re-elect him and we would almost be done with him instead of having another 4 years of misery with him

He lies and they keep believing it! 😳

Still waiting for his perfect health care plan that he promised us 2 weeks before the last eelction.

You can always tell when he's lying...his mouth is moving!!👹

He wasn’t promoting unity. He wants uniformity.

Major newspapers headlines reporting that DT was talking unity. Was it the same speech we saw?

He rarely says anything about how he would solve or fix anything

Lying is what he does best. During that longest speech there ever was!!! he even rickrolled them, and they didn't even notice!

Well, he does wield that hurricane- negating Sharpie…

I remember he was going to solve Afghanistan on day 1....he left it for the next administration to clean up.

Oh, please pay no attention to the man behind the voice behind the curtain. He makes so-called promises, prophecies, pronouncements all the time which never come to anything - and then will be denied later, even when they are played back to him.

He’s all about the quick-fix and the easy solution. For complex problems there are often quick solutions that are easy and wrong.

He’s chronic with the lying! 😡

He is truly a dope …..

He lies, they know it, they love him for it.

Why ride the crazy train a second time??🥴

When is Mexico paying for that wall?

Oh, Paula. What are we gonna do????

I just finished re-reading The Handmaids Tale. This time around it seems like a republican instruction manual.

What a surprise.

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July 18th, 10:34 pm

Donald Trump gave support to an attempted overturn of our government on Jan. 6. One hundred-forty police officers were injured. Additionally, he lied and said a doctor told him the ear bleeds more than any other part of the body. ... See MoreSee Less

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Not to mention he was “injured” by teleprompter glass, not any projectile from a firearm. 🙄

I've had my ears pierced 3 times. Not one drop of blood. I still think this was staged.

He lies a lot!

That was a painful deja vu, time suckage, held hostage kind of night. And it cut into my local news and talk shows. I also have a bad stomach ache now. Excuse me.

Now that he's got his ear clipped, he needs to be neutered & removed.

And there wasn’t any blood on his hand after he touched his ear.

The ear bleeds more than other part of the body in pigs.

Take some nail clippers to his mushroom. Then see if he feels the same way.

hE's wearing a big bandage over his whole ear for a little nick of a boo boo which stopped bleeding the nite it happened!

Such a loser he is

Pierced ears dont bleed! Drumpf.

And that was never proven.

Lots of lies...chefpedley

Never Forget!

PAULA POUNDSTONE do some research for yourself on Jan. 6.

Vote blue!!

He gives Evil B$@#%&rds everywhere a bad name.

I still can’t believe that an individual who actively participated in a violent attempt to overthrow our government is allowed to run for any office, let alone President 😳🤷‍♀️🤬

And he's promised to give pardons to the people found guilty of attacking officers that day.

What!? Trump lied? Hard to believe.

I've had my ears pierced 3 times. Not one drop of blood. I still think this was staged.

You sexually and physically abused your five underage adopted and foster children, sicko.

What a dick.

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud network in the history of American politics." ---- Joe Biden.

The man basically got his ear pierced.

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July 17th, 8:59 pm

I just did set of: 63, 32, 44, 40, 43, 25, 43, 40 + 40 rope jumps ... See MoreSee Less

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in the words of Chevy Chase on SNL decades ago, I was told there would be no math

Just listened to you on Neil Brennan's podcast, Blocks with NB. You were a dream guest. My favorite episode and I have seen most of them.

Did Hans and Franz come by to pomp…you up?

I… did not.

I tripped walking into an elevator.

How could you count while jumping rope?!?!? I’d be so out of breath

Hey. You look great. How do you feel...?

I’m exhausted just thinking about it

Good! We need you in tip top shape for the end of America.

You GO girl!!

True story: I was sitting on the bus and a very jumpy guy up front was bothering the driver with constant chatting. He says "I don't know why they say it is hard to quit cocaine. I've done it dozens of times!" Now your post makes me think he should just think of it as a bunch of sets.

What color is the bus driver’s hat?

DAMN, you go, grrl!

Dear God Paula, WHY?!

I don't get it.

Post video as proof ... ha.ha.

What is 17 cantaloupes?

Did not.

I got winded reading about it. 😉

Paula, are feeling more fit and energized? Feeling a difference?

Are you OK?


Where's my Paula Poundstone Secret Decoder Pin?

These^ are my new lotto numbers.🤣

Go Paula!

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July 17th, 5:58 pm

When Trump was in office he wanted to have peaceful protesters shot, but he was told he couldn't. Now, the Spreme Court says he #VoteBlueeblue up and down the ballot. ... See MoreSee Less

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And if there are judges or city attorneys or district attorneys or sheriffs on the ballot, do a little research if need be and VOTE. Same for school districts, etc.

Blue and proud of it!!

Amen! Vote blue no matter who!

Mom switched from "R" to "D" before the 2016 election, after being registered in the former category as long as I could remember, probably because my late father, who passed in 1991, was in the former category. Like me, she found the orange pumpkin annoying enough to switch parties. Unfortunately, she passed in June of last year at age 80 after a colon cancer surgery. If she hadn't, like me, she'd have voted Blue this year.

Yes I will! And I love that you say so!

Sure will vote blue!

We gotta get people to vote !

If you’re not scared, you’re not paying attention!

Vote Blue!!!

Yes. Very yes.

Blue all the way!!!

Vote blue! Up down sideways!!

Get your facts straight.


And people wonder when he called for violence. This amnesia is dangerously nutty.

Utter pap!

Vance says we should be like Kyle Rittenhouse

VOTE BLUE!!!!!!!


And he DID have peaceful protesters tear-gassed out of the way so he could have his photo op!! 😡

Here’s a super helpful resource for figuring out who deserves your progressive vote down-ballot:

All blue Everywhere and EVERYDAY!!!! Vance is dangerous!!!!

Peaceful protesters?

You sexually and physically abused your five underage adopted and foster children, sicko.

We gotta do whatever we can to keep that a-hole out of the White House!!! B L U E!!!

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